- Tech Corner
Tech Corner
In this corner are stored some technical content. The technical things you find
in here are the kind of things that I know or can understand. So, you won't
find here the miracle formula to transform bronze to gold. Nor will you find
information on how to build a rocket capable of getting to the stratosphere.
(Note that I am not smart enough to even think about getting out of the earth).
The content here is mostly Internet related. There are articles I wrote on things I have worked with/on. (But one day you might find articles on fictive things I dream up, maybe on April Fool's day, so be critical of the information you find herein). There are references and links to standard specifications that I frequently use in my work, and some utilitarian tools that some of my friends occasionally use. You might find them useful as well.
Technologies tend to change fast nowadays. What is true today may be obsolete in a couple of months. Therefore, I will make an effort to put a date wherever it could be relevant.
Je tiens à m'excuser auprès des francophones de n'avoir cette section qu'en
anglais. Comme je n'ai pas le temps d'écrire dans plusieurs langues, et comme
l'anglais est fort répandu dans le monde de l'informatique, le choix de
l'anglais me semble assez raisonnable.