Java Minesweeper

A minesweeper game written in Java Swing.

A Minesweeper game as Java applet, requiring Java 1.2 or later.


This is a rewrite of the Windows minesweeper game. The goal of the game is to locate all the mines as quickly as possible without uncovering any of them. If a mine is uncovered, the game is lost.

Game Rules

About the Game

I know someone who could not finish the expert level of the Windows minesweeper game (back in 2005, he has since then "conquered" the game). Then at some time, I got bored and decided to write the game in Java on my spare time, so that I have something interesting to do. It turned out that I can also use it as an excuse to tease the aforementioned person: the game cannot be that complicated if I can write it!

In other words, this game is born from funny events in my life. It also happens to be a good example of the MVC design pattern.

Last updated: 2006-01-07 16:21:45 -0800